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Gaining Confidence in You as You

The world is full of people who are perfect- seemingly. Humans tend to look at perfectionism as a goal that needs to be met now. So maybe goal is the wrong word- unrealistic expectations.  I've been trying to be better and improve myself. Not the kind of self-improvement where you get down on yourself for not being perfect- that happens without having to think about it. I'm talking about the kind of self-improvement where you know you need to change something and make that critical evaluation to figure out how you can be happy with yourself- just the way you are.  I read this article on 4 Steps to Building Better Self Confidence: #1 Know who you are #2 Surround yourself with people who love you #3 Make goals achievable and #4 Focus on the positive not the negative. Knowing that we are humans and make mistakes and can be okay and get back up and do life after is important to realize about who we are. We aren't expected to be perfect. We try our best. Now

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